How To Develop Positive Family Values (LeadAfrique)

Brad Henry, a lawyer and politician once said that “Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” But how can families perform the responsibilities of guidance, inspiration and comfort if they do not have positive values to live by. The aim of this course will be to encourage couples on the need for positive family values and how to develop them. This course will also suggest to you some tried and tested values you could implement in your home.

Who is this Course For?

  • To be parents
  • Formative stage parents
  • Modelling stage parents
  • Socializing stage parents

What Will They Learn?

  • Some positive family values that are highly recommended by family therapists.
  • Some barriers to developing positive family values.
  • The methods parents can use to instill positive values in the family.

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