How To Prepare Effectively For The World Of Work (LeadAfrique)

The work environment of the twenty-first century necessitates a much more multi-skilled and self-sufficient workforce. The job market is constantly changing, and there is an increasing demand for tertiary institutions to produce graduates who are employable. Graduates require skills that will help them succeed in their chosen occupations.

Experts predict that the future of work will revolve primarily around digital work spaces. With a greater use of AI, specialized software, and new digital services, technology will be a critical component of work. This will result in a plethora of new and previously unheard-of roles, requiring future workers to hone new skills such as digital competencies and agility, communication and teamwork. So, how are you going to prepare for this?

Who is this Course For?

  • Tertiary Students
  • Graduates
  • Employees
  • Interns

What Will They Learn?

  • You will grow personally and professionally.
  • You will learn about work ready skills.
  • You will understand what will help you in the work sapce.

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