Inside The Mind Of Teens (LeadAfrique)

The adolescent years! Growing up and achieving freedom without the burden of adult responsibilities.Teenagers are natural explorers who challenge boundaries and pursue their own identity, but their journeys may also lead them into dangerous territory.The key to successful parenting is understanding.Until adolescents reach their twenties, the human brain continues to develop. As a result, teenagers lack the capacity for reasoned decision-making and self-discipline that adults do. Similarly, moral development is a continuous process that lasts throughout adolescence. Teenagers, particularly young teens, are not developmentally or biologically capable of exercising moral reasoning in the same way that an adult or older adolescent is. Poor decision-making skills and amoral behavior are thus developmentally normal to some extent.

Who is this Course For?

  • Formative stage parents
  • Modeling stage parents
  • Socializing stage parents
  • Separation stage parents

What Will They Learn?

  • You can learn to bond with your teen and have a healthy relationship.
  • You can support your teens to make better decisions
  • You will understand your child's point of view and, as a result, contextualizing behavior.
  • You can help your teen "formulate their self-image, values, and ideals" by providing appropriate guidance.

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